Week 1: Exploring & Observing Nature

  1. Nature Scavenger Hunt — Search for different textures, colors, and shapes in nature.
  2. Meet a Tree — Blindfolded, feel a tree’s bark, then try to find it again by touch.
  3. Bug Investigation — Observe insects up close with magnifying glasses.
  4. Nature Art Creations — Use leaves, sticks, and flowers to make art.
  5. Animal Tracking — Look for footprints, nests, or burrows and guess which animal they belong to.

Week 2: Outdoor Skills & Creativity

  1. Building with Nature — Create small forts, bridges, or fairy houses using natural materials.
  2. Leaf & Bark Rubbings — Use crayons and paper to capture tree textures.
  3. Stone Soup — Read Stone Soup and gather natural materials to make a pretend forest soup.
  4. Nature Mapping — Draw a simple map of the area, marking interesting landmarks.
  5. Silent Wildlife Watch — Sit quietly and observe birds, squirrels, or insects.

Week 3: Water, Weather & Survival

  1. Net Fishing — Scoop and observe small aquatic creatures in a safe, shallow area.
  2. Cloud Watching & Weather Logs — Identify cloud types and make weather predictions.
  3. Nature’s Camouflage — Play hide-and-seek while blending into the environment like animals do.
  4. Edible vs. Poisonous Plants — Learn about safe and unsafe plants in the area.
  5. Natural Paints & Dyes — Use crushed berries, leaves, and mud to create colors.

Week 4: Storytelling, Movement & Adventure

  1. Storytelling Circle — Make up and share nature-inspired stories.
  2. Music from the Forest — Use sticks, stones, and leaves to make rhythms and sounds.
  3. Move Like an Animal — Hop like a frog, crawl like a bug, or run like a deer.
  4. Sun & Shadow Play — Track shadows and learn how the sun moves.
  5. Forest Obstacle Challenge — Balance, climb, and jump over natural obstacles.

Week 5: Reflection & Connection

  1. Nature Mandalas — Arrange natural materials into circular designs.
  2. Gratitude Tree — Write or draw something you’re grateful for and hang it on a special tree.
  3. Nature Journals — Draw or write about a favorite outdoor moment.
  4. Giving Back to Nature — Clean up, plant seeds, or create small animal shelters.
  5. Forest Celebration — End with a picnic, storytelling, and nature games.